COOKIE policy


Cookies are commonly used by online service providers for the purpose of facilitating and streamlining interactions between users and websites, mobile applications and online platforms, and providing reporting information.

Cookies set by the owner of the website, i.e. BridgeMount, are referred to as “first-party cookies”. Cookies set by websites other than are referred to as “third-party cookies”. Third-party cookies allow for providing third-party functions or functionalities available on or through the website


We use third-party cookies and cookies of external entities for several reasons. Certain cookies are required for technical reasons for operating our websites and we refer to them as “necessary” cookies. Other cookies allow us to track and direct interests of our Users/Clients in order to make the use of our website more convenient. Third parties operate cookies through our website for analytical and other purposes. This is described in more detail below.


On this website, we use cookies for the following purposes: owner file name purposes of files file retention.

These cookies are used for collecting information on how visitors use our website. We use such information to create reports and help us improve the website. Cookies collect information in a way which does not directly identify anyone, including information on the number of visitors of the website and the blog, where they come from to the website and which pages they visit. 


Most browsers offer an option to accept or reject all cookies. You can change cookies settings easily in your browser settings. Please note that that blocking all cookies may hinder or prevent any use of certain functionalities of our website.

Options to manage and delete cookies vary between web browsers. You may obtain detailed information in this respect by using the Help function in your browser or by visiting the website, which provides a step-by-step guidance on how to control and delete cookies in most browsers.


Information obtained with the use of cookies and performance data may constitute personal data within the meaning of the GDPR in certain extraordinary cases (e.g. IP address).

Such personal data are only processed within the scope necessary for proper functioning of the website and services in accordance with the Regulations.

The basis for processing of data collected with the use of “necessary” cookies and performance data are so-called legitimate interests of BridgeMount.

For this purpose, the following steps may be taken:

● occasional analysis of log files to determine: which browsers are used by visitors of the website, which tabs, pages or sub-pages are most frequently or most rarely visited or browsed, whether or not the website structure contains errors;

● preventing unauthorized access to the website and distribution of malicious codes, stopping denial-of-service attacks, and preventing damage to computer systems and electronic communications systems.

You have the right to object to such processing by using the browser in the private mode and by deleting cookies from your browser. However, if you consent to the use of “optional” cookies (e.g. provided by Google Analytics), the basis for data processing is your consent of the GDPR). You may withdraw your consent and delete cookies at any time. Withdrawal of consent does not affect the lawfulness of processing based on consent before its withdrawal. Obtained data will be deleted or anonymized not later than by the end of the time limit for raising any claims connected with the use of the website or earlier in the case of effective submission of an objection or withdrawal of consent.