BridgeMount Sustainable & Social Impact Fund, headquartered in Luxembourg, believes that the most effective way to promote sustainable, long-term change is to take joint action with other industry actors to enable the pooling of resources, to share information, to increase influence, and to promote engagement to use.

Our fund works with stakeholders and decision-makers on key sustainability issues and related initiatives, including Science Based Targets (SBT), Climate Action 100+, Energy Transitions Commissions (ETC), UN Principles for Responsible Banking (PRB), UN SGS, Öbu, Swiss Sustainable Finance (SSF), UN Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI), Task Force of Nature Related Financial Disclosures (TNFD), UNEP Finance Initiative (UNEP FI), UN Global Impact and the UN SGDs 2030 Agenda.


BridgeMount’s first Sub-Fund, the Health Ecosystem for Accelerating Longevity (HEAL I), brings together cutting-edge medicine, advanced technologies, and personalized attention to help people achieve a longer, healthier life filled with energy and happiness.

  • The Current Reality: Holistic healthcare, preventative measures, and health education are side-lined in global economic planning

  • The Central Challenge: The essential role of holistic health strategies lacks recognition as a cornerstone for sustainable economic development

  • The Consequences: Neglecting these aspects leads to a fragile economy, vulnerability to health crises and a lack of long-term societal prosperity

  • Our Goal: Advocate for holistic healthcare, prevention, and health education as foundational elements in building a sustainable global economy focusing on wellbeing for all


  • Strategic Selection: Our rigorous project selection process is designed to identify projects aligned with our focus on healthy longevity in the life science sector

  • Impact Assessment: Projects are assessed for their potential to make a meaningful contribution to health and longevity

  • Comprehensive Risk Assessment: We conduct a thorough risk analysis to identify, mitigate, and manage potential risks associated with each project

  • Diversification: Portfolio diversification is central to mitigating risk and ensuring a balanced approach

  • Strategic Collaborations: We establish partnerships with industry experts, research institutions, and key stakeholders to tap into their knowledge and networks

  • Enhanced Insights: These collaborations empower us to identify promising opportunities and provide vital support to portfolio projects